Category Topics


For all users of the CommCareHQ (server) or CommCare (mobile) platform. This includes program managers, field implementers, supervisors, community health workers, and anyone with an interest in learning more about CommCare or sharing their experiences with it.


Para todos los usuarios hispanohablantes del servidor CommCareHQ o la plataforma móvil CommCare. Esto incluye gerentes de programas, implementadores en el campo, supervisores, trabajadores de salud comunitario, y cualquier persona con interés de aprender sobre CommCare o compartir sus experiencias.


Software Developers who are running HQ Servers, integrating with CommCareHQ or Mobile API’s, or forking or changing the Open Source code.

Platform Announcements

This is where Dimagi staff will post announcements about the CommCare Platform like new releases or upcoming features. Announcements are broken into categories specific to individual parts of the platform.

Jobs Board

Looking to hire someone with CommCare or similar background? Publish your job posting here to tap into our thriving CommCare community of ICT4D, M&E, Program, Research professionals.

Forum Feedback

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.

COVID-19 - Global

This forum section is for discussion of digital tools to facilitate organizations in COVID-19 response, sharing assets between teams, and seeking support

The Research Community of Practice

Welcome to the CommCare Community of Practice for Research Teams & Universities!